Inkerman Hill trip is on again! Weekend of April 14th and 15th. As a weather back-up, we have 12th and 13th of May. Camping is free at the roadhouse at the base of the hill. Please let Brett or Bob know if you are interested in going!
We have an exciting new venue for our parachute repack night, which is coming up Friday the 2nd of March. It will be much more realistic, as well as being lots of fun. Pizza and club drinks afterwards. Bring your parachute!! 6pm start, if you are not there, we are going to start without you!
The email has gone out, but if you didn’t get it, or would like to know where the new venue is, please email and I will make sure you get all the info you need.
Troy Recker, our Eungella correspondent, sends this video for us to enjoy. Nice edit and a great view of what can happen at Eungella when the sink kicks in! Well worth your time…
Ron and Rosco took a chance with a flight at the Gillies on Sunday. The conditions looked good, but when they launched, it soon became apparent that conditions weren’t as good as they looked! Bob and Tracey went out to close the gates. A real bonus to fly the Gillies in January! Both Rosco and Ron landed in the turf farm.