Author Archive

It’s on again!!

Tuesday, February 28th, 2012

Inkerman Hill trip is on again! Weekend of April 14th and 15th. As a weather back-up, we have 12th and 13th of May. Camping is free at the roadhouse at the base of the hill. Please let Brett or Bob know if you are interested in going!

Parachute repack night

Monday, February 27th, 2012

We have an exciting new venue for our parachute repack night, which is coming up Friday the 2nd of March. It will be much more realistic, as well as being lots of fun. Pizza and club drinks afterwards. Bring your parachute!! 6pm start, if you are not there, we are going to start without you!
The email has gone out, but if you didn’t get it, or would like to know where the new venue is, please email and I will make sure you get all the info you need.

new video from Troy

Sunday, February 19th, 2012

Troy Recker, our Eungella correspondent, sends this video for us to enjoy. Nice edit and a great view of what can happen at Eungella when the sink kicks in! Well worth your time…

Ross’s day job

Friday, February 17th, 2012

Pictures of club member Ross Miller slaving away at his day job…

don’t know how he drags himself out of bed every morning…

HGFA membership checks by CASA…

Friday, February 17th, 2012
  • taken from the ozreport…

    Shane Gingell writes:

    I have spoken to Godfrey.

    He said CASA have sent a order to it officers from regional airports to attend local flying sites at random to check.

    CASA has made the threat that if the club does not have procedures to check that people that are flying there sites are properly licensed then CASA is going to deregister the club and that the clubs executive and safety officer and duty officers have a legal responsibly to check the currency of pilots license and report anyone breaking the rules or they can be liable of charges them selves.

    The penalty is up to $50,000 and two years imprisonment

    So it seems CASA has it’s big stick out and is looking for someone to whack so we better make sure we all keep our head pulled in.

    Steve Conondale writes:

    Last Thursday morning CASA representatives were present on Manilla’s Mount Bora launch. It was an unannounced blitz visit, checking pilots for current HGFA membership. About eighty pilots where present, maybe about twenty percent were foreign visiting pilots.

    Personally I wasn’t checked as I arrived latter but sixteen pilots were found not to have HGFA licenses, and names and addresses were taken. I don’t know the particulars beyond that.

    On Friday morning John Ollif (HGFA operations manager) was present at the pre-fight brief and informed us there had been a CASA audit of the HGFA and the investigation was on going. Also there were issues with the HGFA administration which were under review (see page 43 of latest Sky sailor Feb/March).

    With this CASA audit in mind maybe it would be a good idea to check your HGFA licenses are current and up to date. Also make sure we are all flying within the HGFA/CASA regulations as if CASA get sniff or for any reason a local pilot is reported I’m sure CASA wouldn’t mind paying us a blitz visit too.

    Caught with no license means big fines or up to two year’s imprisonment.

    You must have your HGFA membership card with you when flying at all times. The requirement is in the HGFA ops manual.

Wet season flying video

Thursday, January 19th, 2012

Video of trike flying last weekend in Atherton. At least it’s been dry enough to go trike flying!


Gillies in January

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

Ron and Rosco took a chance with a flight at the Gillies on Sunday. The conditions looked good, but when they launched, it soon became apparent that conditions weren’t as good as they looked! Bob and Tracey went out to close the gates. A real bonus to fly the Gillies in January! Both Rosco and Ron landed in the turf farm.




Our next towing day???

Thursday, December 29th, 2011

here’s the first prototype…

The year that was…

Wednesday, December 28th, 2011

A little video of the flying year 2011. Sites include the Rex lookout, Cooktown, Burketown and the Atherton tablelands. Enjoy!

A wing and a chair, Dave Sykes book

Monday, December 5th, 2011

Just in time for Chrissy!

Dave Sykes, the intrepid trike pilot who earlier this year flew from England to Sydney, has released a book of his adventure.

Would make for excellent reading over the holidays….

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