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Rex comp 2013 video

Tuesday, November 5th, 2013

Great Rex comp. Epic conditions, lots of pilots, no-one in goal!

Ride the glory…

Monday, October 14th, 2013

Video of Bob & Tracey’s recent Morning glory trip. Ted also makes a cameo appearance..

We think Tracey is the first female trike pilot to fly the morning glory, while Ted is certainly the first T- Lite pilot to catch the cloud! Best viewed full screen, HD, turn the volume up!!

Sunday’s cross country hang gliding flight from the Rex Lookout Port Douglas

Thursday, August 29th, 2013

Sunday saw a good turn out of pilots launching from the Rex. Bob, Adam, Brett, Paul, Ron, Joe, Will and Matt. Everyone flew North landing at various locations along the way, some as far as Miallo.
A big thank you to Vanessa for being brave enough to drive a few smelly, sweaty hang glider pilots back to launch! She even bought beer and chips!
Here is the video…..

Cooktown weekend

Saturday, July 6th, 2013

Hi all,
Last meeting resolved to head to Cooktown again!!
We are going on the weekend of the 19th, 20th and 21st July. This is the Cairns show weekend, so Friday is a public holiday.
Troy is coming up from Mackay, and being a public holiday means we can head up Thursday night, and get an extra days flying!!
Here’s some inspiration…

Please let Bob know if you’d like to come, so we organise vehicles, etc.

Is this Joe’s next hot dog truck?????

Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

Gillies Gardening Day out

Monday, June 17th, 2013

On Sunday morning Brett, his brother Scott, Wazza, Adam, visiting pilot Curtis and Bob gathered at the Gillies for our annual gardening adventure! For moral support they were joined by Vanessa, Jess, Tracey, Berty, Skeeta and Chelsea!

2013 Parachute repack

Friday, May 10th, 2013

A successful evening of parachute deployments and repacking! Thanks to Brett and Lou for the excellent venue!

Tablelands by T-Lite

Thursday, May 2nd, 2013

Thanks to Ted for letting me take his T-Lite for a spin recently. Can’t think of too many ways to better spend your time!

Sunday flying

Thursday, April 11th, 2013

Joe’s new Hot Dog emporium opens….

Monday, April 8th, 2013

4 mile beach on Sunday was the grand opening of Joe’s Hot dog de wheels…
an eager crowd flew in and waited for Wazza to arrive with the goods. Joe quickly had the cooker bubbling and soon satisfied pilots couldn’t eat another mouthful! Coming to a hang gliding LZ near you! (as long as Joe lands not far away!

Paul and Adam enjoy eatin' at Joes...

Paul and Adam enjoy eatin' at Joes...

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